OK I'm going to keep this brief as the computer I'm using is doing weird things and may crash at any moment.
With Richard, a mate fom the Truck tour, and a 60 year old American, oh and our guide I mountained biked down what if offically (by some UN office) considered the most dangerous road in the world, probably because on average there are over 100 deaths on it each year on a round 40 miles of road.
The road is part of the main connection between La Paz (Bolivia) and its northern territory. Its being gradually upgraded but land slides mean much of the "new" road is inpassable in many places and this "old" road has to be used.
The deaths are not down to speed but to the fact that its mostly a dirt road, in some places only just wide enough for a truck and in most places over 400 meter sheers drops. It certainly focused the mind and the beers at the end were well deserved.
I'll try and get a few pics on but its a this point in my blogging proceedings that I get frustrated at the time it takes and give up so we'll see.
By the way there is an article about this road on the BBC website, if you search unedr La Paz Bolivia and the worlds most dangerour road you should find it.
Anika, Richrad's girl friend, came down in the support vehicle which I think was far more scarey, at lesat I was in control of whether I plunged over 400m down a mountainside or not.
Hi Andy,
When are you coming home - the playstructure is covered with kids morning, noon and night!
Saw Bea's commint earlier - she's juggling life well, she's a fab teacher - Frankie loves her to bits.
Josh started Reception - on Day 2 asked him how it was and his reply was "Rubbish", and on Day 3 asked what he'd learnt today and he said "nuffink, nuffink at all"!!!!!
We're glad you're having an amazing time and writting about it, which means we won't have to listen to you when you come back!!!!!!
Have a fab festive season, and a fantantic New year Celebration whereever you are. X - how many have you had on your travels!!!
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